Eight Industry Specific Ranges

As a manufacturer, we work with a very broad range of industries. Over our time in business, we have identified a number of businesses that tend to have similar packaging needs. Over the years we have developed a number of plastic industry specific plastic packaging product ranges, covering golfing, fishing, baking, chocolatiers, wax, weddings and packing. If you fall into one of these categories, this section of our website is dedicated to you, to help you quickly find something suitable for packing your products. We hope you find this helpful.

Specially Designed Blister Packs, Cylinders, Boxes and Trays

Among these ranges you will find specially designed blister packs, cylinders, boxes and trays that others in your industry have found suitable.  However, if you are looking for something different, check out our entire range of our products on our products page.  There are lots to choose from.  Alternatively, have a chat to us about making something custom.  We’d love to supply you with something that’s just perfect for your product.